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How Knowing Your True Identity Will Change Your Life

Over the past 15 years as a coach, I have worked with a lot of people.

I’ve worked with hugely successful people.  I’ve worked with people who are struggling.  I’ve worked with joyful people.  I’ve worked with people who are sad, lonely, and discouraged.

And through it all, if there is one thing I could share with you — one bit of wisdom, one principle, one truth I could impart that would help you live a better, more fulfilled life, it’s this:

Know thyself.

No, I’m not the first person to say that.

In fact, it was originally attributed to the ancient Greek sages…though it was probably wisdom much more ancient than even that.

That’s because knowing yourself — understanding your true identity — is the very first step into transformation.

It is the key of knowledge that opens doors to happiness and prosperity.

When you know yourself, everything changes.

  • You become empowered to make decisions that you know will serve you and the world around you, because you are grounded in truth.
  • You show up in relationships honest and true…which means that you know that people love you for you, and helps you avoid causing pain by betraying or misleading others.
  • You understand your own thoughts and feelings and motivations, which helps you manage them in compassionate, loving ways.
  • You are more productive, because you are clear and focused.
  • You are happier, because you are comfortable in your own skin.
  • You are teachable, because you know and accept who you are — you are no longer hiding or protecting something that is false.

At Quantum Emergence, much of the major work we do is helping people understand the power of identity-based transformation.  The transformation and life satisfaction that comes when you know who you are — who God made you to be — and love from and into that reality.

The results are spectacular.

People who once struggled with loneliness, despair, and poverty  become confident, loved, and bask in the life’s abundance.

I want that for you.  I want that for everyone.  Have the courage to take that first step.  Have the courage to truly know thyself.  You’ll never regret it.

Many people discover that working with an experienced mentor or coach can speed the self-discovery and transformation process.  Request a FREE 30-minute Beyond Breakthrough Session with one of our qualified coaches today. 


3 Ways Your Subconscious Protects Your Beliefs

One of the most powerful mechanisms of your personal identity is your subconscious mind.  In it, you store all your beliefs, memories, and experiences.  Your subconscious mind serves as a defense mechanism to protect the things you believe, whether true or false.  Protecting those beliefs that limit you can give you a false perception of your personal identity.  Here are three ways your subconscious protects your beliefs:

  1. Repression.  The subconscious mind will often take unpleasant or frightening beliefs and stuff them deep inside so that you don’t have to address them or deal with them.
  1. Rationalization.  This is when your subconscious mind takes a belief that creates unwanted or negative behavior and applies excuses or rationales that make it seem acceptable or true.
  1. Imprinting.  Your subconscious mind imprints the attitudes, beliefs, and prejudices of another person onto your personal identity.  This is useful if those beliefs are beneficial, but can be damaging if those beliefs create behaviors that limit your personal growth.

When you understand some of the ways in which your subconscious mind protects your beliefs, you can take further steps to discovering which beliefs are healthy and which are impeding your true personal identity.


For a comprehensive look at how you can create real transformation in your life, download our FREE ebook, “Reveal Your Truth: How to Unlock Your Purpose in the 10 Major Areas of Life.” 


Flip Falsehood on Its Head

Over the past few weeks, we’ve been talking a lot about identity, truth, and falsehood.  A couple of weeks ago, I wrote a post about the benefit of limiting beliefs, and how limiting beliefs allow us to discover profound truths lurking behind lies that are particularly troubling to us.

Today, I’d like to introduce you to a powerful technique that can help you actually flip falsehood on its head.

Start with the areas of your life that are causing you the most pain. Look for emotionally charged beliefs about a situation. Once you have identified a situation like this in your life, ask yourself the following questions.

1. Identify a belief that is causing you a lot of pain.

 2. Ask yourself: how does it make me feel? What thoughts, reactions and feelings do I have when I think about having that belief?

3. Ask yourself: is that really true?

4. Ridicule it. Expose how it is absolutely false, warped and skewed. Find evidence that proves it’s not true.

5. Ask yourself: who would I be without that belief? How would I think, feel and act toward myself if I didn’t believe that?

6. Ask yourself: what is the exact opposite of that belief? What would my life be like with this new, opposite belief? List all the possibilities.

7. Find evidence that it’s true. List as many examples as possible with real-life people and situations that validate this belief. Be specific. (Helpful hint: what areas and experiences in your life make you feel really, really good?)

8. Act on it. List one specific action step you can take in the next 72 hours that would validate this empowering belief.

Remember: 95% of ALL your daily thoughts, actions and behaviors are governed by your beliefs!  There is almost NOTHING more important than choosing beliefs about yourself that are in-line with that which is most empowering and positive.

What techniques have you used to flip falsehood on its head?

For a comprehensive look at how you can create real transformation in your life, download our FREE ebook, “Reveal Your Truth: How to Unlock Your Purpose in the 10 Major Areas of Life.” 


How to Find Truth in Falsehood

In order to achieve true personal growth in life, it’s necessary to weed out the truth from the lies.  Like two sides of a coin, falsehood helps you understand truth.  Understanding the falsehood in life helps illuminate the truth that will lead you on a path to greater personal growth.  Here are some ways to find truth in falsehood:

  1. Understand your filter.  The falsehood in your life is a product of the limiting beliefs you have accrued over the course of your life.  Once you understand the filter through which you see life, you can begin to peel away that which isn’t true and experience the personal growth you desire.
  1. Ask Yourself Why.  Take a good, hard look and ask yourself why you believe the things you do?  Why did you pick those meanings, that perspective or those qualities to define yourself with?
  1. Let Go of Fear.  It’s scary examining deeply-held beliefs.  The thought that what we have always accepted about ourselves  might not be true is terrifying.  Giving yourself permission to examine your beliefs allows you to either confirm them or begin a new search to greater enlightenment.

These are a few ways to find truth in falsehood and put you on a course to greater personal growth.


Many people discover that working with an experienced mentor or coach can speed the self-discovery and transformation process.  Request a FREE 30-minute Beyond Breakthrough Session with one of our qualified coaches today.


Why False Identity Is So Damaging

When you look at the rest of the personal development world, you notice a few patterns emerging.

  • Lots of goal setting techniques
  • Lots of checklists
  • Lots of affirmations
  • Lots of meditations
  • Lots of shoulds and shouldn’ts, and dos and don’ts

I actually believe that all of those techniques can be useful.  But every single one of them misses something important…something deeper…the very heart of the matter.

Here at Quantum Emergence, we do things a little differently.   Our transformation philosophy is identity-based.

But what exactly does that mean?

In a nutshell, this: each of us has a spark of divinity with us.  This spark of divinity is the very core of who we are.  It is the true essence of our natures…who God Himself created us to be.

That spark is our true identity.

When we live in alignment with our identity, we are fulfilled, happy, resilient.

When we live out of alignment with it — or worse, when we try to bury, squash, change, or otherwise do violence to it — we are frustrated, angry, sluggish, unhappy, restless, weary.

Identity is so vital that our entire emotional and psychological systems are designed to protect and preserve our image of who we really are.  Our subconscious minds will cling to our beliefs — even false ones — if they are genuinely held.  You hear a lot about “limiting” and “supporting” beliefs in personal development circles.  But really there are just beliefs.  Our minds have no way of distinguishing between the two.  All it knows is that identity is vital…and must be protected at all costs.

So our subconscious minds will do all they can to protect and preserve those beliefs.

If the identity in which we’ve invested is false — that is, if it is out of alignment with that spark of divinity, that core piece of who God has made us to be — the results can be disastrous.  This can include loneliness, self-destructive behavior patterns, unstable relationships, poverty, and much, much more.

The answer is to come to know who we really are, to reveal ourselves to ourselves.  To embrace our true identity and to leave false ones in the dust where they belong.

How has understanding your true identity helped you create a better life?

Many people discover that working with an experienced mentor or coach can speed the self-discovery and transformation process.  Request a FREE 30-minute Beyond Breakthrough Session with one of our qualified coaches today. 


3 Common Lies People Tell Themselves

You will never develop the meaningful, immediate, permanent change you desire in life unless you stop believing the lies you tell yourself.  The lies you believe as truth get in the way of meaningful, immediate, permanent change and impede real transformation.  Here are three of the most common lies people tell themselves:

  1. “I’ll Be Happy When…”  However you choose to end that sentence: (“…I have more money,” “…I have a girlfriend/boyfriend,” “…I have a better job,” etc.), until you get past the limiting belief that you require someone or something else outside of you to make you complete, you are standing in the way of meaningful, immediate, permanent change in your life.
  1. “I Can’t Do It.”  One of the biggest lies we tell ourselves is that we can’t accomplish whatever it is we’re faced with.  Whether it’s learning a new skill or breaking a bad habit, we forget that we attracted that situation in the first place. 
  1. “I’m Not ______ Enough.”  Again, fill in the blank: (“beautiful,” “smart,” “talented,” “good,” etc.)  This lie is a product of your upbringing and experiences and points you to a deeper truth about yourself. 

Lies like these inhibit your ability to achieve the meaningful, immediate, permanent change you desire in life.  Recognizing the lies for what they are is the first step to real transformation.


Join the Quantum Emergence Inner Circle — an exclusive Facebook group for transformation-minded people.  There is NO cost to become a member.  Request to join here.   


The Benefit of Limiting Beliefs

Talk to most “self-improvement” gurus, and they’ll tell you that Limiting Beliefs are the Enemy.

They’re not entirely wrong.  Limiting beliefs do prevent you from living the kind of robust, engaged, fulfilled life you were made for.

But what they’re not telling you is that there are actually profound benefits to your Limiting Beliefs.

Yep, you read that right.


You see, we live in a world of grace and power.  Thus, even things that appear to us to be negative or painful can actually be extremely useful and productive.

In the case of limiting beliefs, the primary benefit is contained in this simple truth: your Limiting Beliefs, as painful as they might be, point you to something that is profoundly true about you…something that can help you thrive and succeed.

Here’s an example.

Let’s say that someone insists to you that the sky is red.  How much angst or frustration would that cause you?  Probably none.  You might think them strange…you might wonder what’s wrong with them…you might pat them on the head and try to humor them.

But because you understand that their claim is absolutely, completely false, it doesn’t reel you in.

It doesn’t “hook” you or trigger you emotionally.

Limiting Beliefs are limiting because they contain elements of truth.  They are the dark side, or the shadow side, of something deeply wonderful and divine about you.

Thus, when you flip them over, you make important self-discoveries that you never would have had the opportunity to make otherwise.  The pain of the limiting beliefs has spurred you into reflection, into resolution, into truth.

And as the scripture says, the truth will set you free.

When you think of it that way, it’s a pretty awesome benefit after all, isn’t it?

For a comprehensive look at how you can create real transformation in your life, download our FREE ebook, “Reveal Your Truth: How to Unlock Your Purpose in the 10 Major Areas of Life.” 


3 Steps in Self-Discovery

Creating permanent transformation in your life may seem an insurmountable and impossible challenge.  Once you understand the keys to self-discovery, however, you will be well on your way to the kind of personal transformation you desire in life.  Here are three steps to self-discovery to get you started:

  1. Examine Your Beliefs.  What do you believe to be true in life and why do you believe it?  If you give yourself permission to closely scrutinize your deeply-held beliefs, you can discover those which are false and which limit your personal growth.
  1. Discover Your Virtue.  Your virtue is who you really are – your core essence.  When you truly understand your purpose and identity and why you are here, you will unlock the potential masked behind the falsehoods in your life.
  1. Create New Beliefs.  As you discover your true identity and filter out the limiting beliefs in your life, you can then create accurate beliefs based on the truth of who you are.

Real and lasting transformation can be yours if you take steps like these towards self-discovery.


For a comprehensive look at how you can create real transformation in your life, download our FREE ebook, “Reveal Your Truth: How to Unlock Your Purpose in the 10 Major Areas of Life.” 


The 9 Virtues Part 3: Goodness, Kindness, Love

Welcome to the last in our series of posts about Virtue — that core aspect of your identity that helps you understand who you really are and who God made you to be.

In our first post we talked about what Virtue is.  In our last two posts, we’ve spoken about the other six Virtues: diligence, faith, and valor and knowledge, self-control, and perseverance.

Today, we’ll talk about the final three: goodness, kindness, and love.

1. Goodness.  Goodness is a sense of purity and protecting what is right.  A person who is good is honest and straightforward.  There is no deception or game-playing.  Instead, there is a wholesome quality of honesty, a clear sense of right and a wrong, and a steady commitment to doing the right thing.

2. Kindness.  Kindness is a sense of appreciation and a standing for equality.  People who are kind are genuinely grateful for their blessings and gifts.  They see grace everywhere and freely extend it to others.  They are very conscientious about others’ suffering and oppression, and seek to correct inequalities in the world.

3. Love.  Love is a sense of abundance and an agenda for completion.  A person whose primary Virtue is love is overflowing with generosity, praise, and care. They have the ability to see past peoples fake masks and false pretenses and see their perfection. There is also a strong desire  for wholeness and completeness  — not just within the self, but for the world at large.

It’s important to understand that one Virtue isn’t “better” than another.  The Virtues aren’t a hierarchy; they’re gifts. As such, each gift is necessary so that the world can function as it should.  Denying your Virtue means you’re denying the world of something precious and profound.

In the Bible, Paul compared the gifts that each of us brings to the world to a body: each part is necessary for the proper functioning and thriving of the body as a whole.

“Now if the foot should say, ‘Because I am not a hand, I do not belong to the body,’ it would not for that reason stop being part of the body.  And if the ear should say, ‘Because I am not an eye, I do not belong to the body,’ it would not for that reason stop being part of the body.  If the whole body were an eye, where would the sense of hearing be?  If the whole body were an ear, where would the sense of smell be?  But in fact God has placed the parts in the body, every one of them, just as he wanted them to be.”

When you embrace your Virtue, suddenly you’ll find that you’re able to contribute and create in a way that you couldn’t before.  Knowing who you are — your Virtue, your core identity — allows you to step into the life you were made to live.

What experience have you had with the concept of embracing who you really are?  How have you seen it yield fruits in your life?

At Quantum Emergence, our specialty is identity-based transformation.  This means that we’ll help you discover what your Virtue is, and support you as you seek to intentionally create a life that is formed from the very essence of who you are.

Many people discover that working with an experienced mentor or coach can speed the self-discovery and transformation process.  Request a FREE 30-minute Beyond Breakthrough Session with one of our qualified coaches today.  


3 Virtues That Give You Greater Prosperity

Prosperity and abundance and flow from understanding our Virtue, or our core identity.  This entire month we’ve been exploring the concept of Virtue in general and taking a deeper look at the specific Virtues that form the center of who we are.  Each person has one primary Virtue (of nine) that is their deepest, most important gift.

Here are three of the nine Virtues…

  1. Kindness instills in you a sense of appreciation for others as well as a desire for equality.  It is what causes you to have a grateful heart and to fight for the rights and dignity of others.
  1. Goodness. Goodness is the desire to do what is right for pure and unselfish reasons.
  1. Love.  Love is the Virtue of prosperity and abundance.  It craves completion and wholeness, not just for itself, but for all the world. 

Prosperity and abundance can only be achieved in life if you understand and live according to the Virtue that makes up your core being.  These are just three of the Virtues that may be your gift.  By discovering your Virtue, you will be well on your way to a rich and prosperous life.

Many people discover that working with an experienced mentor or coach can speed the self-discovery and transformation process.  Request a FREE 30-minute Beyond Breakthrough Session with one of our qualified coaches today.