You will never develop the meaningful, immediate, permanent change you desire in life unless you stop believing the lies you tell yourself. The lies you believe as truth get in the way of meaningful, immediate, permanent change and impede real transformation. Here are three of the most common lies people tell themselves:
- “I’ll Be Happy When…” However you choose to end that sentence: (“…I have more money,” “…I have a girlfriend/boyfriend,” “…I have a better job,” etc.), until you get past the limiting belief that you require someone or something else outside of you to make you complete, you are standing in the way of meaningful, immediate, permanent change in your life.
- “I Can’t Do It.” One of the biggest lies we tell ourselves is that we can’t accomplish whatever it is we’re faced with. Whether it’s learning a new skill or breaking a bad habit, we forget that we attracted that situation in the first place.
- “I’m Not ______ Enough.” Again, fill in the blank: (“beautiful,” “smart,” “talented,” “good,” etc.) This lie is a product of your upbringing and experiences and points you to a deeper truth about yourself.
Lies like these inhibit your ability to achieve the meaningful, immediate, permanent change you desire in life. Recognizing the lies for what they are is the first step to real transformation.
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