Make Love with Your Mind!

Did you know that every time you think a negative thought or even think or hear the word “NO” you experience brain damage? It’s true!  New neuroscience research has shown that negative thinking damages brain cells. Guess what reverses those harmful effects? You got it, positive thinking!

Here’s the key though; it takes three times as many positive uplifting thoughts to counteract one negative! And as your nervous system is hardwired to keep you safe and lookout for danger its default mechanism is to always think about what could go wrong, will go wrong and may go wrong.

I know what you’re thinking; “Great one more thing to add to my to-do list — avoid brain damage, think positive”

Please understand it’s not YOU that’s thinking negative it’s your nervous system! And you are NOT your brain nor are you the thoughts, feelings, behaviors and reactions that it generates. This is really important to get and it’s the first step to creating immediate, permanent and meaningful growth in your life!

Here are 3 steps to help you master your mind:

Step 1: Awareness
Become acutely aware and conscious of everything you think, feel, say and do. 95% of all of these things are driven and initiated at the level of your autonomic nervous system which serves as an automatic pilot for how you show up in life. Without becoming aware of how your nervous system is running your life, there is no real hope of ever changing it.

Step 2: Acceptance
Realize that all of these actions and reactions are a programmed response from YOUR nervous system. It’s your nervous system that is causing you to think, feel and behave in certain ways and NOT what’s happening outside of you. If what you heard, saw and experienced from your external environment was truly the cause of how you think and feel then EVERY human being would have the exact same thoughts and feelings. Take 100% responsibility and ownership of how you are showing up even if you don’t know why.

Step 3: Action
Your nervous system, just like every other organ and system in your body needs regular maintenance, support and attention. As a human being you have a responsibility to understand how your body functions and the best way to take care of it. Practicing regular mind mastery techniques and developing the skills to observe, control and direct your thoughts and emotions is an integral part of living a healthy, successful and stress-free life.

 To learn more about mind mastery and being set free from negative thinking listen to this free audio download entitled:

 Unlock the 4 Walls of Your Mind Prison

 This free teleconference will give you the keys to living the life you were created for and creating health, happiness and success!

 To your peace of mind!

 Dr. Matt

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