Are you being or doing?

Paying attention

How many times have you driven from one place to another and then realized when you got there that you couldn’t remember anything about the drive?

Or, you were talking on the phone but listening more to your own internal dialogue than what the other person was saying?

Well, you were certainly doing something but were you really being present in the task? The answer to that question would be a resounding NO!

There’s a line by a famous British comedy troupe from the 60’s that goes like this. How can you be two places at once when you’re really nowhere at all?

They were playing on the idea that most of us are not fully present in our lives in general and so miss our own life as it goes by.

Do a quick check in with yourself.

How often have you felt that way? Do you feel like your life is like a wild horse, taking you for a ride you can’t control? No wonder you close your eyes sometimes. The ride is too scary and you have no idea where it will end up.

This has especially accelerated with the age of technology when we check our phone, tablet, computer and answering machine, sometimes all at the same time trying to keep up with the speed of change.

For those of us who seek something more than the rat race writ large what can we do?

Well, there is another path.

There is a way to take control of your direction and destiny, to live the life you were truly meant to live, fully, completely and with joy.

People often think that means they need to make huge changes in their lives or become a completely different person. But that isn’t true.

A famous Buddhists saying is “Before enlightenment chop wood, carry water, after enlightenment chop wood carry water.” What does that mean?  Simply that the task doesn’t change, only your relationship to it does.

In order to have a more fulfilling relationship with your own life here are some starting points and things to think about.

1) The first thing you need to do is slow down! Take a breath. Notice what is around you and notice how you are relating to your world. The key word here is notice.

2) Until you become consciously aware of your thoughts and feelings you are doomed to a limited reality. A reality limited by your unconscious thoughts and feelings and closed down to the endless possibilities that exist for you.

3) Being fully present for your own life requires work and courage however it means the difference between living a life of quiet desperation and being the creator of your own reality. One path leads to sorrow, suffering and regret while the other leads to a rich, full life. The life you were put on this planet to live.

Ready for change? Take the next step by listening to a call I recorded called “UNLOCK YOUR MIND PRISON.” I look forward to your feedback.

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