
Frequently Asked Questions

1. What Is Virtue?

The word virtue comes from the Latin, virtus, which means strength, courage, character, worth. In the terms of the personal growth work we do here at Quantum Emergence, it refers to who you REALLY are.  It is that core part of you, your primal essence and life’s theme that forms the lenses from which you perceive , interpret and define your reality.  It relates deeply to your “Why”the reason God put you on the earth.  When you discover your Virtue, you discover your true self , and the world opens up.  At Quantum Emergence, a large part of the work we do together is focused on helping you discover, and tap into, this profound source of energy; in essence, your spiritual identity .  Once you are tapped into your Virtue, you become truly unstoppable!

2. Does my Virtue ever change?

Remember, Virtue is the core of who you really are.  Therefore, NO: it doesn’t change.  You can function more or less in alignment with your Virtue; you can tap into it to greater or lesser degrees; but that spark of divinity that you carry within you is eternal and doesn’t change.  The more grounded you are in this core sense of your eternal identity, the more effective you will be in your life.

3. How can I discover my Virtue?

Discovering your Virtue, or that unchangeable core of who you really are, is critical to your ability to live a totally fulfilled life.  At Quantum Emergence, we have an entire process designed to help you discover YOUR Virtue so that you can tap into it for unlimited strength in your life.  First, you must take inventory of where you are right now.  Next, you must expose the lies, or limiting beliefs” that have created your reality and are unconsciously  holding you back.  Then, you must uncover the truth beneath the lie — just like a coin has two sides, so does every falsehood you tell yourself.  Finally, we provide you a proven framework for constructing NEW beliefs; beliefs that are not grounded in falsehood, but truth; beliefs that are in alignment with your Virtue, your true identity and the life you were created to live!

4. How much does it cost to work with Quantum Emergence?

We have a variety of products and services to get you started on the path of personal and professional transformation, that range anywhere from FREE to high-end, one-on-one coaching and life mentoring engagements.  Check out our website, for more details.  I highly recommend that you start with our FREE ebook, I Want it All: How to STOP Struggling and START Creating Success in the 10 Major Areas of Your Life.”  

5. How long does it take to get results?

Transformation and personal development are lifelong pursuits.  But that doesn’t mean it takes a lifetime to start seeing dramatic results in terms of your life satisfaction, income, and quality of life — both personally AND professionally.  Progress comes when you finally begin to see the path before you…something that, for many people, is often obscured and difficult to discern.

All of our materials, from our FREE ebooks and blogs, to our exclusive Quantum Emergence community, to our one-on-one coaching programs, are designed to help you discover AND THEN ACT UPON the path that’s been laid out for you.  Many begin to see results almost immediately.  For fastest results, I highly recommend you consider a one-on-one coaching engagement: almost nothing works faster than sitting down with someone who is trained and experienced to help you clarify in your own mind the path you’re meant to pursue.

6. How will this help me?

Many people struggle because they are invested in limiting, self-sabotaging, destructive beliefs that come from a wounded or falsely-conditioned sense of identity , what I call your “Virtue.”  This diminished, distorted self perception is at the root of all human suffering. Our process is designed to help you understand who you really are — to reveal your Virtue to you — so that true healing, completion, and renewal can occur.  It is THE MOST POWERFUL way to eliminate whatever ruts or unproductive habits are currently holding you back in any area of your life!

7. Is the transformation I’ll experience through Quantum Emergence permanent?

The answer to your question is a resounding YES!  Most “self-help” programs are designed to produce behavior modification.  But changing your behavior without transforming your soul is merely symptom management.  We’ll go beyond the symptoms of frustration, bad habits, and poor results and get to the CA– USE: you, living out of alignment with your Virtue, or who you really are, your true identity .

Once you have discovered who you are at your very core, and know what you were placed on earth to do, you will NEVER be able to go back.  It’s just not possible.

8. Once I discover the core of who I am — what you call my “Virtue” — what do I do next?

Once you’ve discovered you’re Virtue, it’s time to build your life in alignment with it.  We have an exclusive process to help you manifest your biggest dreams, your greatest goals, and  true life fulfillment.  It’s a powerful process that begins with integrating you as a Spirit being AND a Human being. Together, we will discover the answer of why you’re here, what that means  and what sort of outcomes are possible as a result.  Then, we’ll help you craft those outcomes step-by-step and day-by-day as you live into your divine destiny.

9. When can I start?

The transformation process can begin IMMEDIATELY!  Simply visit us online and and see what makes sense as the best starting point for you.  I recommend one of two options…

10. What is voice?

Your voice is YOU EXPRESSED.  Everyone has a unique Voice — a public expression that is the highest and best use of who you really are.  When you find your Voice, you help others fully experience you and benefit from the divine purpose you were given.  What’s more, you empower others to find THEIR Voice and to become more actualized in their own lives.  Finding your Voice is a powerful step in the transformation process, and something we help you discover here at Quantum Emergence.

11. Why are my current circumstances happening to me?

This is a difficult truth for many to accept, but the fact is, if you’re struggling with undesirable outcomes in your life — work problems, relationship issues, financial stress — it’s because YOU attracted it.  At some level of your being, You made decisions whether consciously and/or unconsciously  that brought difficulty into your life.

Many people resist this, because they don’t want to have to take personal responsibility for their outcomes.  But there is a positive side: if you created it, you can UN-create it!  You’re not a victim, you’re a co-creator with divine characteristics.  And you can create a new reality without your current struggles.

12. How can I prevent difficulties and frustrations from occurring?

First, you must be willing to set your life so that what you seek is welcome.  This means that you must clear out of our life beliefs, energies, vibrations, and actions that are bringing hardship upon you.  At Quantum Emergence, we’ll help you do that by helping you discover your Virtue — the source of ALL your beliefs and energies at the core of who you really are — so that you can set aside all the distractions that are keeping you from becoming who you were made to be.

13. What is the process for clearing negative effects in my life?

We follow a simple process for eliminating negative energy and clearing unwanted effects from your life.

First, we have an in-depth focus session, where I take you through a series of exercises designed to eliminate the destructive frequencies that have denatured, distorted, and perverted your Virtue — or the core of who you really are.

Next, you follow up with a three-step process of journaling and exercises that will help complete the process we began in our coaching session.

Then, we schedule another follow-up session to determine your personalized affirmation statements that will support your Virtue, help you find your Voice, and determine your priorities.

This is a powerful process that I am not exaggerating when I say I have never seen it fail. It works for everybody all the time guaranteed!

14. How do I create change that produces the most fulfillment?

Great question.  This is the crux of everything we do here at Quantum Emergence.  We help you discover your Virtue — or the core of who you are — so that you are operating in alignment with who you were made to be.  Then, we help you find your Voice, or the best public expression of your Virtue.  Armed with this information, you are able to focus on manifesting the outcomes that serve you the most beyond what you desire.  You will use your body, soul, and spirit, to attract the life you were made for.  When you are living from this place of pure truth, energy, and power, you experience profound fulfillment and satisfaction.

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