If yes, then come hear me share the 3 Pitfalls Holistic Healthcare Providers Make That Keep Them on the “Roller Coaster of Growth” and Prevent them From Having Highly Profitable Practices.
Who is this training for? This is for you if you are a holistic healthcare provider (naturopath, chiropractor, massage, therapist, acupuncturist, etc.) and…
· You avoid financial conversations and confrontation because you don’t want to make it about the money
· You under charge for your services to make them more “affordable”
· Your good intentions aren’t paying the bills
· You just want to help people but you’re the one who’s drowning
If you can identify with any of those statements, then this workshop is for YOU!
I will share the 3 Pitfalls Holistic Healthcare Providers Make That Keep You on the “Roller Coaster of Growth” and prevent you From Having Highly Profitable Practices and will also share the key ingredients to finding the time and financial freedom you wanted when you started your practice.
This is a FREE training and it’s like none other. It’s not just another business seminar, it’s about looking at the root cause of the pitfalls. Come and be prepared to take lots of notes and learn how to take your practice to the next level.
Please register as space is limited. Click Here To Register
In Purpose,
Dr. Matt